Today I am linking up with my pal, Neely for "It's OK Thursday!". We all have those things we do or don't do, right?
Let's share!
It's OK....
1. To have 16 or more different shades of pink lipstick--each shade is different ya know--can't part with any of them!
2. To save documentaries and such to your Netflix queue with no intention of watching them. It just makes me feel smarter.
3. If you only wear fancy pants undies--even just to the gym. Gotta feel sassy!
4. If your treadmill is currently a clothing drying rack. No, just me? Hm.
5. To actually like watching sports. I can talk your ear off about cycling and the whole Lance Armstrong debacle--really.
6. If you must purchase all the new beauty products and not use them. Hypothetically, of course--I mean, I use all of mine duh. ;)
7. To like stupid movies. Hi, I wear a Ron Burgundy shirt on a regular basis.
8. If you buy yourself flowers--lessons from Cher Horowitz and all.
9. To whiten your teeth and then drink coffee--it all balances out in the end. Hopefully.
Those are a few of mine, anything y'all got?
I don't use my treadmill as a clothes rack. Not that I use it or anything. Just because I want to preserve the illusion that I use it!